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Decoding Reputation Management
Reputation Management basically refers to:

Reputation Management is the managing or manoeuvring of a person or company’s standing or reputation. Initially, it started out as a PR term but along the way with the advent of social media and the internet, it is more to do with searches made online.
Online Reputation Management is basically the exercise of watching a person, businesses or brand’s online reputation by addressing the areas that can turn out to be potentially harmful to it. They use customer feedback; take note of any early warning signs. And then employ techniques to eliminate the negative online coverage that shows up during surfing. Thus with this method, there is an effort to close any gaps as to how a business considers itself and what people think of it.
So to sum up, reputation management is an activity that people or businesses engage in to maintain or to generate a certain mind frame when they are visible online. So steps are taken to curb any negative results by removing negative results further down and thus decrease its presence. Most individuals resort to social media to observe their image or reputation.
Tactics used by companies for Reputation Management:
- Improvise linking, tagging and SEO of any company=released content like case studies or white papers and its related customer testimonials so as to push the negative content.
- Increase the publishing of positive website feedback, material, and online profiles and thus better the negative results that exist.
- Promote your brand via periodic press releases featured in some well-known, reliable websites and thus attempt to contain negative impact.
- Go the legal route, if there is an unfair attempt to malign the person or business.
- Engage third-party sites by setting up fictitious accounts that will generate positive reviews or act against the negative content that is present.
- Get a brand or a business to be mentioned in websites that have a good ranking on Google or popular search engines.
- Responding to any criticism online by addressing it and stem its negative growth.
- Offer freebies or offers to product reviewers or critics who are well-known.
- Principled and ethical forms of reputation management, that are not usually resorted to like addressing any customer feedback or complaints, requesting different websites to remove any wrong information and take note of online comments so that it in turn influences product development.
How do we start Reputation Management
- Observe where we stand – First of all before embarking on this mission, check out where we stand and look for negative content and its reach, if any.
- Add constructive content – If we start adding positive or constructive content, then it would slowly reduce or push any negative comments that exist in the search results.
- Create individuality zone – This is a good way to up the ante on your positive online presence and all search results will be directed to this zone. For this you should have your own domain, write content often, be very visible on social media platforms and link all your articles.
- Mechanise the practice – There are some specific services or software that will undertake the tracking, improve on your visibility quotient and also manage your existing content and undo the influence of anything negative.
- Online reputation management and SEO do in a way go hand-in-hand. In fact, there is a good chance that we can reduce the force of any negative media online by just employing simple SEO practices.
They would be as given below:
- Adopt the right social profiling in the correct way. It is prudent to not register in too many websites, because many a time, it may not translate to better rankings. Instead a few, well-known social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook etc. is where your profile should be featured.
- Have one complete online bio that has a lot of links implanted in it. Many a time, if you are mentioned online, or there is a press release required, press interaction or for any viable purpose, it is good to have one strong bio that has within it good links that lead to your other relevant links as well as is complete and informative. This gives the much needed boost and online presence via SEO.
- It is good for you to be visible in online forums, speaking your mind, investing time, posting employment ads and hiring people and also donating to some NGOs or any organization that is in need or are looking for donations. All these in turn help enhance your SEO profile as well as your online reputation management.
- It is good not to be too visible in any free websites or online encyclopedias as these do not build traction for you even though you are very visible online and there would be no positive redirect to your personal website or online bio.
- For your own personal domain or website, it is good to maintain high quality links and for the social media profiles, the links can be of mediocre quality.
- The online management of one’s reputation has become very significant.
- The techniques include different techniques that will take care of the negative impact or completely obliterate it anywhere online.
Many a time, one negative occurrence can tarnish your online image and it would stay on for a long time. Even if it is a negative customer feedback or a negative review or comment, it can be bad for the brand or business. Therefore, we at ComX Technologies are aware of the significance of this and adopt many SEO strategies to counter this effect.
Therefore, it is prudent to engage the services of firms that offer this service. This is where we, at ComX Technologies come in. Our experience and know how in this area is ideal. We take care of plugging the negative impact, having any harmful links or feeds removed and also reduce the risk of internet onslaught from either a competitor or viewers.
So to protect and safeguard your online entity, think of ComX Technologies for all your brand reputation management services!